
As many of you know by now, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April of this year. Despite hearing the word cancer I remained positive from the start that I would overcome this disease.

As I write this now (finished with treatment and hopefully cancer-free) I am overwhelmed with nothing but happiness and positivity. The concern and outreach that I have received from my friends and acquaintances who did not know of my disease has been amazing and it is a humbling feeling to know that my story has touched the lives of many.
I wanted to thank you all for your prayers and well-wishes. Your kind words have helped to restore my faith and have kept me strong. I would also like to thank my daughter Alana for taking it upon herself to share my story. On many occasions, I battled with wanting to speak about the cancer, but chose not to out of fear of realizing just how real the situation was. My wife and children have been a pivotal part of helping me to fight while making sure I have some laughs along the way and that I never forget to enjoy life.

I am happy, I am grateful, and I am putting my faith in God that I am cancer-free.

Learn more: Omnicef

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